
We are a family office which resulted from the growth of our real estate company.
The company, which is headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida, manages a diverse portfolio of traditional and alternative investments .
The portfolio includes limited partnerships, funds of funds,  hedge funds, private equity, managed futures, etfs and direct investments in real estate and operating companies.
The management of the investment team is directed by Kenneth E. Richards, MAI and is supported by a team of several professionals each with extensive training in different areas of the investment world.
The company, on an ongoing basis, is evaluating new opportunities which compete for allocations and are evaluated against long term returns and risk profiles of the existing positions.
If you have an opportunity which will stand up to rigorous vetting over an extended time frame and has demonstrable risk/return quality, feel free to submit for consideration.
We generally require a minimum of two to three years of audited financial data.
Submissions should be sent to :

Kenneth E. Richards

Managing Member
Aag inc. /.  Rra,lp. /.  Richards 2020 family trust
2272 NW 62nd Drive,  Boca Raton , FL 33496

Thank you for visiting our site. We look forward to hearing from you with your submissions.


Please check back soon as we expect to offer useful links and resources. Thank you

Contact us at 212 239 6580 or submissions@kennetherichards-familyoffice.com

Our address:

2272 NW 62nd Drive

Boca Raton, FL 33496



Contact us at 212 239 6580 or submissions@kennetherichards-familyoffice.com

Our address:

2272 NW 62nd Drive

Boca Raton, FL 33496

